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Please show some live trading also with your strategy… that help us to build more confidence… thanks
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Please show some live trading also with your strategy… that help us to build more confidence… thanks
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You can make money reader’s message —————— Thank you for watching candlestick trading video Hi Long, Thank you very much for your email and offer to provide me with a COMPREHENSIVE TRAINING ON CANDLESTICK TRADING. I have spent the last 3 days exploring avenues where I can raise the required £5300 for the Comprehensive Candlestick…
You can take profit with these powerful and simple strategy reader’s message —————— Hi Long, Thank you very much for the numerous videos and more importantly for the opportunity you gave me to copy your trade and make some money to pay for the ADVANCED CANDLESTICK TRADING COURSE. Unfortunately, I have not made the money…
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CFD 2Y T-Note Candlestick Treasury notes are extremely popular investments as there is a large secondary market that adds to their liquidity. 2-Year U.S. Treasury Note Futures Index portfolio holds the nearest maturity 2-Year U.S. So best trading strategy is Bearish Engulfing Pattern possibly signaling a peak or slowdown in its advancement. Engulfing candles…