reach or not
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Thank you for your response. But let me ask you another question please.
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to filter fail trade if last bar reach first candlestick low or not
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to filter fail trade if last bar reach first candlestick low or not
Candelstick Trading is now available for auto-trading at Striker Securities, Inc., “Striker” a Chicago-based brokerage firm since 1991. Striker will trade on behalf of clients our system. At Striker it’s a fully automated process and Striker reports each trade on it’s website so that clients can compare their brokerage statements to their website. This removes…
Break pullbacks and breakout tests Breaks are one of the best chances that most traders look out for. But as a trader, he or she should be very careful to detect any break pullbacks. In many cases, the market usually has breakout tests before there is a real breakout. A break pullback is a movement…
CFD France40 Candlestick Spinning top means future trade timing this is similar doji cross. After opening the prices hovers just around the opening price with a small range. At the end of the time period the stock closes near the open price. This pattern forms when there’s indecision among the buyers and sellers in…
Hi, Long hang seng here reader’s message —————— Hi Long thanks for the explanation but how do i put it into my trading regards —————— click here Some Complex Patterns Candlestick patterns are of two types. They are – Simple patterns and complex patterns. Complex patterns are mainly combination of different simple patterns. Unlike…
question from readers ——————— Hi in the image i have 2 double blocks, A & B. Here I can see that B is outside and inside A’s close. How would i then predict if the next candle will be buy/sell in this scinario? ——————— B’s 4th candlestick is A’s inside close so next candle open sell…
Here comes 2016 Super sell people panic and scare selling pressure,stop out buy position support level break and price go down. here is super sell trade chance. Stock INDEX ALL SELL NAS100USDSELL spx500usd SELL uk100gbp SELL us30usd SELL You can take profit Technical trading: Candlestick analysis With time,…