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Candslestick double block strategy readers message ——————— Hello I have discover recently you site and the ebook you propose I have appreciate a lot because I have a lot of difficulties to understand trading with indicators like RSI, MCD moving average. I think the pure price are the best. Please could help me to progress,…
In order to get 1 to 3 trades each day? Hi, Long hang seng here reader’s message —————— Thank you Long So, which strategies would you suggest to me, in order to get 1 to 3 trades each day ? Hegeset ? Othello pattern ? Thanks —————— I recommend both Are Candlestick Charts Effective…
You can keep a constant Win Rate Reader’s message —————— Hi Long, Replying to the email you sent today Question one stop losing money Question two To read candlesticks properly Question three Ive been trading for quite a few years now I really enjoy trading but i cant keep a constant win rate. —————— First…
readers question —————– Hi Long, Thank you for the great videos! I have a question about where to sell in one of your videos. Do I sell on # 1, 2 or 3? This is the video Thanks again for all your help! ——————— simply video click here
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