What are the Candlestick Patterns that you use to know when a Particular Trend will continue
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What are the candlestick patterns that you use to know when a particular trend will continue.
I use double block
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How to Trade Candlesticks
Candlestick trading tools are being used worldwide as one of the most popular and accurate trading tools.
The high accuracy of candlestick predictions have made it one of the best tools for the traders.
Candlestick graphs were first used in Japan and then it came to the west.
The beginners, who want to get a risk free and profitable investment, need to know how the candlestick patterns work.
The rules of trading with candlesticks are very important for traders.
The first thing traders need to do is to identify the patterns and their trends.
The basic patterns are used by beginners to find the trend and safe trading time.
Then the traders need to identify the bullish and bearish patterns in the graph.
The traders need to know when to start buying and when to stop buying.
The most important thing that should be kept in mind is that the candlestick patterns are meant for short interval period.
It can change at any moment.
But figuring out the loops in that timing is the way to keep the investment safe.
For example, hammers are one of the best buy signs for any trader.
But if the hammer comes after an uptrend, it is not a hammer, it is a hanging man.
A hanging man is a bearish sign, which indicates sell.
The buyers should start buying when the hammer is close to the high point.
The important decision is when to stop buying.
The answer is the traders should stop buying when the pattern is below the hammer range.
This is how the safe timing is maintained by the traders.
By ensuring a kick start and a safe exit the traders can get their investment back along with profit.
Beginners need to practice the simple rules of the candlestick trading.
By knowing about the basic patterns and important signal of the patterns, the traders can start their journey.
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