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Picture of Double Block Pattern Candlestick Reader’s message —————— Sir, Thanks for your nice replay, Sir please give me a picture of this pattern for more clear of it. Thanks —————— Here it is Related article When doji appear then no entry Stalemate and Checkmate in Price Action Trading Price action trading is…
Candlestick close complete then order Reader’s message —————— Thank you Mr Long, So it’s very simple and straight forward. Wait till strategy #1 or 2 is 100 % complete. And then place trade. Correct. —————— Wait till strategy #1 or 2 is 100 % complete. And then place order. Correct. Not Trade. Only Order….
3 questions answered which are in the file readers message ——————— I am sending a file, please i need these 3 questions answered which are in the file, I want to know what will happen to the next bars after these happens ——————— 1 higher high and then closde inside the previous bars body this…
Why that’s Lose? Reader’s message —————— Hello Mr. Long, I hope u are fine. I still try strategy 24 candlesticks but i have some trades lose. I want know why this lose for more filter this strategy. 1- I send you 3 examples in pictures for explain me why that’s lose ? 2- I…
SL is maximize take profit readers message ——————— Hello Long, How are you ? As promised, here is my trading journal (color pattern + double block pattern, daily timeframe) after 5 weeks. Here are my thoughts. Quite well overall. 1813 pips earned, 958 pips loss (profit factor for pips : 1,89) But as I did…
Please confirm that the full one time payment reader’s message ——————— Hi Long, I am still committed to enrolling for the full comprehensive candlestick training course. I don’t want to pay by installments. Please confirm that the full one time payment is still £5300. I need copy more of your trades . ——————— click…