readers question
How can we trade in this bear bull because next is a bear candle?
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readers question
How can we trade in this bear bull because next is a bear candle?
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Candlestick color trading double block 2 0
CFD Germany 30 Candlestick DAX 30 is stocks of the 30 largest German stock companies volatility of the DAX has been running high. DAX index is to use a range trading strategy. you will find that the stop loss levels use on the Dow don’t work so well with the DAX. Which is a…
how to identify hegeset pattern and can it use trend market ro range market. readers message ——————— Sir, I see your day tradeing strategy book, there you told that hegeset candle to enter, but i am not clear to your hegeset pattern. sir how to identify hegeset pattern and can it use trend market…
color and double blocks readers message ——————— I hope you are still fine. On this chart (GBP/USD daily), I show 2 “color” patterns : so can I take both patterns with buy / sell stop orders (the very small candles in the patterns are for sunday) ? I also see some “double blocks” patterns. So,…