candlestick price action use each price
student message
student message
NEED THE COMPLETE CANDLESTICK COURSE student message ——————— Hello sir How are you I am ready to take the Complete Candlestick Course which you have made of $ 2000, I already completed all the courses from you, Please make this course for me soon, and I only trade in Crude Oil. I need this course…
Trading on 30 min Timeframe, which strategy would be good ? Questions —————— I hope you are fine. I’m trading stocks, but I would like to do also some forex. If you should keep one strategy only, what would you keep ? The ”strongest strategy” ? Do you sometimes do daytrading ? If I want…
you can take profit 2times more than usual trade readers message Thank you for watching candlestick trading video ——————— Hi Long thanks for your reply very helpful. I live in the uk what with brexit coming up next week. I would to hear what are your thoughts on trading the gbp or the euro regards…
student message ——————— Hi Long, Quick question. I am trading Double Block End of Day. Things are going ok. I am long the AUDUSD. Today was an inside bar. Do I move the Stop loss to the low, or keep it back at the previous candle low? Thanks, Your Student ——————— if your position favor…
zig zag indicator shows resistance and support readers message ——————— Hi Long hope .you had a good a good holiday just been on your web page . you were talking about support and resistance indicators where can i get hold of them . kind regards ——————— zig zag indicator shows resistance and support level you…
im always guessing when to enter a trade Hi, Long hang seng here reader’s message ——————— Hi Long thankyou for your quick responce ive never heard of oanda gmt+ 2 live I use metatrader for my charts but use a different broker for my trading Thats the reason im always loosing money im always guessing…