Candlestick color trading double block 2 0
Candlestick color trading double block 2 0
im always guessing when to enter a trade Hi, Long hang seng here reader’s message ——————— Hi Long thankyou for your quick responce ive never heard of oanda gmt+ 2 live I use metatrader for my charts but use a different broker for my trading Thats the reason im always loosing money im always guessing…
just wait and place stop order to specific candlestick pattern readers message ——————— Just tell me how to apply the daily chart and use it as intraday…. Please give me basic candlestick rules, what is High, Low , close and open in a candlestick.. show me the human emotions.. Thanks ——————— just wait and place…
readers message ——————— Hey there, Thank you for your reply. I have a question… attached to this email is a picture for analyzation. 1) How far should i see color continuation to map out a support and resistance? 2) I realize there’s too many color continuation sometimes, so i might be confuse of the support…
GBPJPY sell trade chance small volatility after price go down It is absolutely meaningful because candlestick is more volatile The change is mostly attributable to increases voratility in the GBPJPY because price close lower than its average level in the past candlesticks That’s a problem most of traders expect to ride on trend start. but…