readers question
How can we trade in this bear bull because next is a bear candle?
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readers question
How can we trade in this bear bull because next is a bear candle?
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CFD US SPX 500 Candlestick Candlestick trading CFD US SPX 500 Candlestick Hanging man is reversal pattern. This formation typically happens after a prolonged uptrend but rallies to close well above the intranet low. this pattern is a warning of potential price change. When you see the Hammer form in a downtrend this is…
Take Profit with close price take Profit reader’s message —————— Thank you for watching candlestick trading video Hello Long, I did go “sell short” on the “hegeset” (daily GBP/USD). Would you close the trade with profit, or wait for trailing stop ? If at the end of the day the trade would be only 15…
on the 24 candlesticks entry timing strategy reader’s message ——————— Hi Long , i watched your Youtube video on the 24 candlesticks entry timing strategy and did not understand it at all. Please shed more light. ——————— click here On the 24 Candlesticks Entry Timing Strategy All the basic things about engulfing pattern There…
Pattern break reversal candlestick trading A pattern break is a situation where the market prices goes contrary to the previous pattern of the market prices. But in some cases, the market prices may break the previous pattern and reverse back into the previous pattern once again after a very short period; this is what is…
CFD Netherlands 25 candlestick window trading #1 body is smaller than the previous candlestick body after price go up. There is window between #2 and previous candlesitck. #2 body is bigger than previous candlestick body. after price rise. open Window between #3 candlestick and previous bar. #3 body is smaller than previous candlestick bar The…