#1 Candlestick very strong sell
double block trade same as last bar color readers message ——————— Hello Mr Long, Thank you for your availability and your previous answers. I’ve seen your videos on the double block strategy. Is this strategy part of color trading training? Anyway, it is simple and seems to work in test. However, I identified a setup…
question from student ——————— I have one question from your AMBUSH BOOK You mentioned the three main timeing in trading (EARLY,MIDDLE,LATE) I can’t understand this trading timeng tricks in candlestick please explain especially this timeing trick ——————— There are 3 phase in the candlestick charts 24 hours devides 3 = 8hours First 8hours I called…
Canldestick chart reading basic Question —————— Hi Long, My problems seems to be not knowing when I should enter a trade and sometimes whether to go Long or Short. Do you look at the Weekly charts before using the Daily charts to trade? Do you look for Support or Resistance areas on the Weekly…
Can you tell me if this is good strategy reader’s message —————— Hello Long, It seems interesting. But I don’t see much trades on daily time frame. Can you tell me if this strategy is good ? : 1st daily bar is short (bearish or bullish) 2nd daily bar is short and bearish 3rd…
How do you apply your money management readers message ——————— Hello Sir, i would like to ask you some questions about this strategy. 1) Is it possible to trade multiple timeframes simultaneously on the same pair? For example, w1, D1, H1, M30, M15? 2) How do you apply your money management? 3) On the following…